About Us

Hi, my name is Kelly!

I'm currently a rising senior in high school. I've always loved nature and seeing how the world outside society works. Whether it was watching National Geographic documentaries all the time, or reading about animals in books at the library, nature always had a special place in my heart. Even though I'm mostly an introvert, I want to continute using my voice to advocate for the conservation of our wonderful planet. It pains me to see the world being slowly destroyed due to ignorance, with the problems landing on the younger generation to solve. But we can do it together! Never give up :D

Hello! I'm Graciela!

One thing you should know about me is the fact that I adore animals. I personally have a cat. I saved her from starving to death when my neighbor threw her out just because my neighbor did not "like her." It broke my heart so much that I begged my mother to keep her. Alas, I ended up keeping her and I'm so glad that I did, I've always loved animals and my cat only reinforced that belief. I hope that people can understand that animals are living creatures just like us and should be given love. No animal should suffer just for living, they should be taken care of and be given love. I truly hope this website helps you understand the importance of animals.