Save Our Wildlife, Save Our World.

It's now or never.

Too many species around the globe have been going extinct at rates thousands of times greater than normal. In just the last century alone, around 500 species have gone extinct due to mostly human activities such as agriculture, deforestation, pollution, and illegal practices. There could be even more species that no one has ever seen, already wiped from the Earth before we had a chance to do so.

And yet.

We are continuing to allow wildlife and their homes become utterly destroyed. Even if it may not appear so, every organism on the planet contributes to life overall, which in turn eventually affects how humans live one way or another. We can't let them become a part of the past.

Why does it matter?

Wildlife has always piqued peoples' interests, but beyond their beautiful feathers and majestic roars, their roles to the planet and society have always remained important.

The main, major consequence of losing so many species to extinction is the destruction of biodiversity and disruption of natural ecosystems. Every species has a specific role to play in their respective habitat. If just one species dies due to human activities, the entire ecosystem could collapse. With certain species gone, others fill in the gap and are no longer kept in check naturally. Food is depleted for not just everything in that ecosystem, but for humans who source their food from there as well.

If we continue to bulldoze entire forests for wood, then rare plants that could be used for new medicines would die out. If we poach all the wild animals that roam the savanna, developing nations who depend on tourism will regress economically.If we lose bees due to pesticides and warming temperatures, societys' crop production could completely fall apart.

But you, can change that.